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Development & Planning Application Arboriculture & Ecology Consultant Services

BS5837 : 2012 is the British Standard for Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction. This type of survey is needed for developments with trees that could be affected during the design, demolition or construction phases.

Where trees are a material consideration, it is likely the local planning authority will require the tree survey and assessment to support a planning application for development. This report will be used to inform the development proposals.

In some planning cases a Tree Protection Report, Tree Protection Plan and/or Arboricultural Method Statement may be required as part of planning conditions. There are often conditions attached to planning permissions that need further details to be submitted and approved by the local authority at certain stages of the development. This process is called ‘discharge of conditions’.

We can arrange for a topographical survey to be carried our prior to the above stages. We can also arrange for an ecology service to be provided should clients require assistance when going through the pre-planning and planning application process.

  • Tree Survey BS5837 : 2012
  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment
  • Tree Protection Plan
  • Mitigation Plans / Proposals
  • Tree Officer Liaison

If you have a project that you need assistance with in regards to arboriculture and ecology services then please contact us to start the conversation.