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Landscape and Visual Appraisal (LVAs) and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIAs)

In association with Steve Jowers Associates, we have carried out LVAs and LVIAs for clients during the early planning stages as outlined in the published guidance Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (3rd edition) – Landscape Institute/ Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (2013).

In accordance with the above guidance, landscape (elements and character) and visual impacts are assessed separately, although the procedure for assessing each is closely linked. A clear distinction is drawn between landscape and visual impacts;

  • Landscape impacts relate to the effects of the proposal on the physical and other characteristics of the landscape and its resulting character and quality.
  • Visual impacts relate to the effects on views experienced by visual receptors (e.g. residents, footpath users, tourists etc.) and on the visual amenity experienced by those people.

These projects have involved landscape input at the early stages of masterplanning on development schemes, working with our clients as consultants, within a multi-disciplinary team. We have worked on a wide range of proposals from a single dwelling to large residential schemes of up to 400 dwellings to include affordable housing, open space and landscaping/green infrastructure, attenuation features , biodiversity enhancements and play areas.