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Arboricultural Assessment and LVIA relating to development proposals for the demolition of existing buildings and roadside wall with the conversion of a roadside building to form a single dwelling, together with the erection of 17 two and two and a half storey residential dwellings, creation of a new access off the Cirencester Road, and garaging, parking, public open space, landscaping and all enabling development.

Yells Yard is located on the south-western edge of the Fairford Conservation Area, on the fringe of Fairford.  The front (north-western) half of the site is within the Fairford Conservation Area. The southern part of the site is Open Countryside.  The whole site is within the Cotswold Water Park Landscape Character Area. It is in the setting of the Grade II listed ‘Ivy Villa’, and includes buildings identified as being in the curtilage of the listed building.  A public footpath runs diagonally across the southern half of the site

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